Islamic Financing

Islamic Financing

  • The Office of Lawyer treheeb Mathal Al-Mutairi, sees that there is an increased growth in the Islamic banking work, whose features are formed at the international level in a clear form, even if it is slow to somewhat, indicating that the major international banks adopt the Islamic products and also, the middle east allow establishing several Islamic banks, as it is also noticed through the Islamic banking experiences in East Asia.

  • Therefore, The Office of Lawyer treheeb Mathal Al-Mutairi, offers to its principals several services in the field of Islamic financing, in particular, the following services: 
  • Providing the legal consultations and preparing the different contracts of Islamic financing such as Murabaha, participation, speculation, leasing, agency, bargaining, credit selling, contracting, Tawaruq, financing lease contracts/ lease contracts with option of purchase. 
  • Providing the legal consultations in the field of Takaful insurance. 
  • Preparing the legal visions in the participation in producing or forming Islamic financing instruments.
  • Providing the legal consultations, auditing contracts, products and works related to the financial institutions dealt with, for ensuring that they are consistent with the Holy Islamic Shari'a.

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